In Depth
Greening the music industry
While major labels struggle with implementing eco initiatives, smaller labels pick up the slack
By Gary Moskowitz
When it comes to being green, the music industry has a decidedly dirty history (and we don’t just mean rock stars’ unsavory behavior). For one, more than one billion CD jewel cases are produced each year in North America, most of which are made of polyvinyl chloride, a cheap plastic that’s nearly impossible to recycle. Additionally, excess is the name of the game: A recent MusicMatters study revealed that tour buses contribute about 150,000 tons of carbon emissions annually, and one stadium performance yields anywhere from 500 to 1,000 tons of CO2. Even a midsize music venue goes through 470,000 plastic cups, 200,000 napkins, and 600 light bulbs every year.
But despite the biz’s abysmal record, some labels are starting to green up their acts. While the four major labels (EMI, Sony BMG, Warner Music Group, and Universal Music Group) still have some work to do, smaller, more eco-conscious labels have started to pick up the slack. Take a look at who’s doing what in the music industry. And tomorrow, be sure to check out which artists hold the environment near and dear to their hearts.
Kill Rock Stars
The label has purchased offsets from Bonneville Environmental Foundation since 2007, and is currently in talks with Brighter Planet to offset band tours. While the company still relies heavily on plastic jewel cases, it also distributes CDs in Digipacks, which can be made with recycled card stock. “We want to do everything we can,” says president Portia Sabin. “And the bands are totally into it.”