i interview panther for the krs newsletter a few minutes ago, but thought i'd put it up on the blog too... why not, right?
panther ichat interview
ben : you in olympia?
charlie: no
ben: ahhh
charlie: yeah
i dont know how to work the ichat
3:05 PM
when are you leaving?
ben: leaving the office?
charlie: yeah
ben: like 5 i think
i just got back
charlie: ok
ben: had a lunch break
charlie: coolman
ben: oh
should i interview you for the newsletter now?
about panther?
charlie: sure!
ben: okay
i forgot to write questions...
but that's okay i guess.
charlie: ha
ben: okay
i thought of the first question
are you going to play some shows w/ live violin and cello
since there is so much on the album
charlie: um,i think we might in new york,,,our friend sara is really cool and we were thinking about asking her,,i am playing a bunch of guitar live nowand i have it on the vioin setting
ben: ah..
that is cool
like the songs that you were playing on new year's eve?
or songs from 14 kt god that you were playing live before.
i've seen you play keyboard on some of those...
charlie: songs on 24kt
ben: 24 kt
charlie: i mean 14
ben: the next album..
charlie: ha!
ben: haha
that would be cool
charlie: yeah
ben: it goes from 14 kt to 24 right?
or 28?
charlie: shit
ben: when they have gold
charlie: i dont know
ben: me either
charlie: i think 24
ben: so that would make sense then.
charlie: yes!
ben: maybe that could be the remix of 14 kt god
charlie: oh yeah
ben: what jams have you been listening to lately
i mean
besides the ones on your blog
charlie: um
i have been enjoying some konono #1,, and some elvis costello,,,and i have been into some stephen basho youngans
3:15 PM
the spelling is really bad
on the last one
ben: is he that dude
the guitar guy
charlie: i have become a worse and worse speller
the guitar guy
ben: on that strange frequencies something something label
i still need to check him out
charlie: i dont know
ben: somebody said he sounds like fahey?
charlie: its really nice subtle finger tapping
kind of
ben: nice!
charlie: way more percussive,,,barely and notes
but tapping
but not annoying
ben: cool
what about new bands
ben: i mean, i guess konono and the stephan basho guy are only now getting their dues
charlie: i like blue oyster cult
they are new
ben: ah
charlie: i always have a mind block
ben: it's a tough question really
even though it is asked a lot
charlie: vampire weekend
just kidding
ben: what about the best new blogs
charlie: shit,,,i like the lips and ribs,,, there is this blog called brett adams thats pretty weird,,, i like #1 blog dog,,,shit,,,i like that blog with the found photos,,,i could look at random photos for hours
ben: that sounds like a good one.
chavez says i should ask you where the best burritos are
charlie: there are 2 i have found so far that are my favorites
wait in portland or everywhere?
ben: i guess
one in portland
and one from anywhere.
or 2 from both?
whatever is easiest
charlie: i love th cart on 50th and division,,,it has traditional style done really well and somewhat greasy,, they also have vegan options, which are the best vegan i have ever had,,,,,but the best mexican i san felipe in sellwood,,,the best tamales and fish tacos anywhere!
3:25 PM
best mexican is san felipe
meant to say that
ben: what do you like to eat on tour?
charlie: vegetarian
anything vegetarian,, its so hard
but my favorite place on tour in new york is this place called caracas
ben: what kind of food is it?
charlie: venezuelan food
they have the amazing sandwiches called arepas, which is like a sandwhich with pupusas for brad basically
they have one with black beans, plantains
its cheap!
ben: that sounds delicious!
i'll remember that...
cool i guess that's it for the interview, thanks charlie!
3:30 PM
charlie: cool man!!!
‘The Raincoats’ album 40th anniversary – Live Paris 2020
The Raincoats will be performing live atCentre Pompidou, Paris, France on
Saturday 15 February 2020 Tickets: click here
5 years ago
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